
The project unfolds through workshops that use the method ‘Direct Approach’ and focuses on the participants’ own memories and descriptions of violence scenes from films they have seen and in the end of the workshop choose how to stage.

The type of violence discussed depends on who is invited to attend the workshop and their film choices or you can decide to select a film scene and violence aspect that you wish to address to a certain group.

The workshop can be done in schools, institutions, companies, with mixed groups or groups who normally do not talk together, such as police and activists. Or keep the focus on people who have or will have authority to exercise violence such as young people in military service or police school students and get an understanding of what they are thinking and how they perceive violence.

In a Direct Approach workshop, participants go through surprising developments and experience a constant alternation and confrontation between own ideas and society’s conventions. Sometimes there is a need for subsequent conversations if they are surprised or shocked by their own statements.



Schools and institutions who want to use the Direct Approach method, can send an email to: and get a free pdf of the book. Please add name of school or institution in the email.


How to structure the workshop.
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Film poster and violent statements
How the film posters and texts are made.
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If you decide to make a video.
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Additional to those in the guidebook and a list of suggested films.
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Images by Malene Korsgaard Lauritsen

Direct Approach was tested for the first time in cooperation with District Kunst – und Kulturförderung and in collaboration with Gangway in a 6 month workshop for young people in Berlin between 13-25 years old. The young participants are producers of interview conversations, film posters, videos and an exhibition. Their statements and developed perspectives on how identities are defined within discourses of violence are opened for a broad public reflection in an exhibition in District from July 5 to September 21, 2014. The workshop was funded by Berliner Projektfonds für Kulturelle Bildung and sponsored by Cine Plus, Filmarche and Eiszeitkino.